Santa Claus has been portrayed in countless movies and TV shows, but few have arguably played the role as gracefully as Keaton Nelson, a 9-year-old from Fargo, North Dakota.
Nelson has cystic fibrosis. He told Make-A-Wish he wanted to be Santa Claus for a day and spread holiday cheer throughout the town, and the organization happily obliged.
According to WDAY TV News, Santa Nelson's day started at the mall, where he was outfitted with a personalized Santa suit courtesy of Macy's. He then greeted his entire class, which showed up at the mall to support him.
After that he received a police escort to downtown, where he boarded a family-sized sleigh and attended a parade through the middle of town in his honor. Hundreds were in attendance for it.
As is Santa's wont, Nelson wasn't finished yet.
He made one last stop, at the children's hospital, where he delivered presents to other young patients.
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