8 things you may not know about Ted Turner

"If I only had a little humility, I'd be perfect," Turner once said, describing himself.

Credit: AJC FILE

Credit: AJC FILE

"If I only had a little humility, I'd be perfect," Turner once said, describing himself.

Ted Turner was born on Nov. 19, 1938. It only took him a few decades to launch CNN, on his way to becoming an international media mogul (and earning nicknames like "Mouth of the South").

"If I only had a little humility," he once said of himself, "I'd be perfect."

In honor of his birthday, here are eight facts you may not know about Turner.

» Read more facts you never knew about the media mogul on MyAJC.com

1. Though some sources say he lives with bipolar disorder, according to Baldwin Chambless — Manager of Corporate Communications at Turner Enterprises, Inc. — Turner was actually incorrectly diagnosed.

2. In 1959, Turner was suspended from Brown University because he had a woman in his dorm room and later left the school on his own terms. Though he didn't end up graduating, the university has awarded Turner honorary baccalaureate and doctorate degrees over the years.

3. Some of his nicknames include "Mouth of the South," "Terrible Ted" and "Captain Outrageous."

4. In 1980, Turner was listed by Playgirl magazine as one of the nation's top 10 sexiest men.

5. During his time as Braves owner, Turner also owned Atlanta's Channel 17 and once suggested the word "Channel" be sewn on the back of the jersey worn by pitcher Andy Messermith, who wore number 17.

6. In 1991, Turner became the first media figure to be named Time magazine's Man of the Year.

7. Turner gifted $1 billion to support the United Nations in 1997, in one of the largest philanthropic gestures in history.

8. His secret to success: "Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise."

» Read more facts you never knew about the media mogul on MyAJC.com.