Just took a walk and noticed all the extra traffic due to the 285 crash. I swear, half the people I saw were driving and texting. I don't know how good their texting was, but I can attest that their driving was really bad.

Republicans say they want to "run the government like a corporation." Believe them. Corporations don't exist to serve the public. They exist to make a profit for their shareholders. Who are the Repub's shareholders? See, this is where the Koch brothers come in.

If you have to tell me how hard you work, you don't work that hard. It's funny the high impressions some have for themselves.

DeKalb County thanks Victor Hill for being in the news.

More and more governors are finding ways to provide health care insurance and care for their residents. But Georgia continues to race toward last place in serving its people.

Look how the mainstream media blew predictions in the US, Israeli, and English elections. It's almost like it was a concerted effort to influence the elections and lie to the voters. You got to love liberals.

Ron Paul, Rand Paul and RuPaul? What a family.

It looks like a gorgeous weekend with lots of sunshine. Get out there and enjoy it before the humidity of summer arrives. And don't forget to call Mom on Sunday!

California gave us Nixon and Reagan so that makes it a liberal place, right?