If you can eat an 8-pound bowl of pho from a metro Atlanta restaurant, it’s on them. Pho real.

If you dare take on the hefty task, at Super Pho in Duluth you can walk away with bragging rights and a $40 gift card to cover the costs of the $40 bowl of pho.

No one has ever completed the challenge, though about seven people have tried, the restaurant said.

According to the restaurant’s website, a batch of pho takes between 10 to 12 hours to cook. The traditional Vietnamese dish is made with broth, rice noodles, herbs and meat.

Super Pho has a dozen kinds of pho on the menu, all of which can be ordered in the “champion” 8-pound size.

Super Pho

3330 Satellite Blvd.

Duluth, GA 30096

Hours: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily
