Fulton holding another event to help people expunge arrest records

Fulton County will hold a free expungement event on Aug. 11.

Credit: Bob Andres

Credit: Bob Andres

Fulton County will hold a free expungement event on Aug. 11.

Fulton County wants to help clear arrests, charges and minor blemishes from citizens’ criminal records through a free expungement event on Aug. 11.

People who have been arrested for misdemeanors, but not convicted, by the Fulton County Sheriff, Fulton County Police Department or any of the 15 cities in Fulton County, are eligible for the event. It will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 1838 Metropolitan Ave.

In October 2016, at Fulton County's first-ever record restriction summit, 75 percent of people who attended had one or all of their arrests cleared from their records, according to a press release. Another event was held in January.

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The process to expunge a charge usually takes more than 150 days, with much of the process being driven by the citizen obtaining key documents from agencies. This one-day event expedites the process.

Register by July 21. On-site resources will include work assistance and adult education opportunities.

Get more information here or at the expungement hotline: 404-612-4800.

Stats from the event in January, provided by Fulton County:

709: Criminal histories updated and provided to citizens, free of charge, to assist in job and housing searches

$17,725: Citizen cost savings from free criminal histories ($25 each)

5,678: Individual criminal charges reviewed

352: Charges restricted/cleared from criminal record

37: Citizens got their entire record cleared for a clean slate and second chance at success

204: Citizens checked for voter registration status

70: Citizens applied to register to vote

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