Fayette County and the city of Fayetteville have signed an intergovernmental agreement regarding the improvement of roadway medians along SR 85.

The document, signed previously by Fayetteville Mayor Edward Johnson and approved by the county Board of Commissioners on June 28, specifies that up to $500,000 of revenue from the 2004 SPLOST will be allocated to build medians in Fayetteville along SR 85 between SR 54 and SR 314 to improve traffic flow and safety. Any amount above that cost will be paid for by the city, which will also be responsible for soliciting bids, awarding contracts and overseeing construction management.

When enacted, the 2004 SPLOST provisions noted that 70 percent of the collected revenue (known as 321 Funds) was designated for countywide projects, including those in the 2003 Transportation Plan. The median project is number R-13 of that plan.

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A photo at Atlanta's City Hall on March 23, 2018. (AJC file)