Greetings! Today we venture into the exciting (and, in this case, ultimately disappointing) world of suburban development.

Reader Grant writes: "Now that AMF Snellville is closed, there is a big fence around the property. Any ideas of the plans for this building?"

GQ, Grant. That's short for "good question." And I have a GA, too -- but i don't think you're gonna be overly excited.

First, context for everyone else: The "AMF Snellville" that ol' Grant is referring to here is (was) formally known as AMF Snellville Lanes. Informally, it was known as "That Bowling Alley on Ronald Reagan Boulevard Near Scenic Highway."

It closed a couple months back, and the folks at AMF posted a heartfelt message on their website and everything.

Cute. So what's next? Well, guys, I don't wanna be a bummer...but I have to be. Because the bowling alley is going to be replaced by...

Yup. A "mini-warehouse storage facility," to be exact. Developers plan to remodel the existing 28,800-square-foot building and tack on four more one-story buildings to provide "a mix of interior climate-controlled storage units and traditional enclosed storage outbuildings."

It was approved by Snellville's City Council way back in April, and I admittedly don't have any clue about the current state of construction.

Then again, you don't really care, do you, Grant?

Nah, not really. Figured. The world needs storage facilities (I guess?) but it's not the most exciting thing in the world, I'll admit.

That saaaaid, there are roughly 14 billion other, more enticing things being built in and around Snellville right now -- including a swanky dine-in movie theatera Cook Out that just opened and a dang Cracker Barrel

So if you're letting a storage facility get you down, you're just plain eg-no-ra-moose.

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