A former DeKalb sanitation employee pleaded guilty Tuesday to stealing nearly $10,000 worth of gas from the county, and he was sentenced to serve three years in prison.

Rodney McDaniel, 50, was a supervisor in the DeKalb Sanitation Department when he used his personal gas code to fill up 10 times more gas than his co-workers, said DeKalb District Attorney Robert James.

"According to our investigation, (McDaniel) would come in hours before the start of his shift to illegally pump gas to fill up large gas containers at unusual county gas pump locations," James said. "We believe this sentence sends a clear message that corruption and misuse of county property and resources will not be tolerated."

McDaniel’s sentence requires him to repay $9,807 to DeKalb for the theft, which occurred from August 2011 to December 2012.

McDaniel’s defense attorney, Jennifer Mann, said he gave out his personal gas code to other county employees, which they used to fill up their vehicles. She said it’s unlikely those employees would have admitted to their role if McDaniel had chosen to go to trial.

"He acknowledged that at the end of the day, it's his code and his responsibility," Mann said. "He doesn't want to be painted as this rogue employee who was stealing from the county."

McDaniel also pleaded guilty to eight unrelated felony check forgery counts involving a woman he was romantically involved with. He’ll reimburse about $10,000 to the woman and her credit union as part of his sentence.

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