The Riverwood International Charter School Wind Ensemble played at Carnegie Hall on March 5. The 50 students, led by the school's director of bands, Carlos Rodriguez, performed at The National Band and Orchestra Festival. Guest conductor Darby Stanton led the students in their first piece, Allied Honor, a march composed by Karl King. Rodriguez conducted Kaddish by Francis McBeth, which is based on the chant found in the Jewish prayer service. The Wind Ensemble's finale was Arabesque by Samuel Hazo. Rodriguez said, "It was tremendous honor for the Riverwood band to be invited to perform at Carnegie Hall. This has been a goal that the program has been working toward for the past four years. I am proud of the hard work from all of the current band students and alumni who have spent countless hours rehearsing and preparing for this opportunity. We are very lucky to have support from the Sandy Springs Society, the Riverwood community, and the wonderful band parents who give their time and money to see these musicians succeed."
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