Report: Georgia students leave college with about $28,000 in debt

Rebecca Liebman, founder of a financial literacy site for millennials called LearnLux, pays for an iced coffee with her discover credit card at Triangle coffee in Boston, Aug. 12, 2016. Building a credit history holds less appeal for young Americans who had trouble paying off student loans and saw their families’ struggles during the financial crisis. (Katherine Taylor/The New York Times)

Rebecca Liebman, founder of a financial literacy site for millennials called LearnLux, pays for an iced coffee with her discover credit card at Triangle coffee in Boston, Aug. 12, 2016. Building a credit history holds less appeal for young Americans who had trouble paying off student loans and saw their families’ struggles during the financial crisis. (Katherine Taylor/The New York Times)

Georgia students are graduating from college with, on average, about $28,000 in loan debt, according to a report released Tuesday.

More than six in 10 Georgia students have some form of debt, the Project on Student Debt at the Institute for College Access and Success found.

Georgia ranked 24th nationally in student loan debt, the report found. State averages ranged from $18,850 to $36,100 per student.