A Kentucky woman wants to spread the word that a common hair tie can cause serious health issues.

People wear hair ties around the wrist for convenience if they need to pull their hair back while on the go, such as Audree Kopp did in the midst of moving.

Kopp told WLKY that a bump appeared on her wrist, which initially she thought might be a spider bite. The area on her wrist became red and the swelling increased. The infection did not respond to antibiotics, so emergency surgery was performed.

Dr. Amit Gupta drained the abscess that had formed on Kopp’s wrist. The doctor believes the hair tie collected bacteria, which made its way into Kopp’s skin pores and hair follicles, leading to a serious infection.

Kopp is expected to fully recover, but now will only wear hair ties around her wrist that are easy to keep clean.