Whether you’re just starting your genealogy research or you’ve been at it a while, there are some magazines out there that can help.

Genealogy magazines are a great resource. This month’s issue of “Your Genealogy Today” is a good example. The issue is focused around getting your family interested in genealogy. The lead story, by Sue Lisk, is titled, “Drawing Them In.” Another article outlines how to find records on women, which is often hard.

Lisa Alzo writes about “Crafting Your Memoir.” Alzo gives tips for doing so: start with a timeline, set up a storyboard, write one bite at a time, then revise.

The final article — “Case of the Missing Grandfather” — is a great mystery tale. This particular magazine is found on newsstands or at yourgenealogytoday.com. I am a big believer in the value of genealogy magazines as well as local, state and national genealogical society journals and quarterlies.

DeKalb Hops talk

“Atlanta’s Olympic Resurgence: How the 1996 Games Revived a Struggling City,” a new book by Michael Dobbins, Leon S. Eplan and Randal Roark, will be the topic of discussion at the Hops at the DeKalb History Center event in Decatur on August 24 at 6 p.m. To register and get tickets ($5 member, $10 nonmember), check DeKalbhistory.org.

Communication tip

Establish at the start of a research connection how you will be communicating, whether it’s by email, phone or text. You can’t assume that everyone thinks as you do.

Contact Kenneth H. Thomas Jr., P.O. Box 901, Decatur, Ga., 30031 or www.kenthomasongenealogy.com .