Dunwoody is asking for public feedback on three potential plans to improve bike and sidewalk access along Mt. Vernon Road.

The corridor runs nearly half a mile from Corners Drive to Mt. Vernon Place and only features a sidewalk on one side of the road. It is the final stretch of the road that the city plans to renovate as part of the city’s transportation plan, which was adopted nearly a decade ago.

The area is heavily residential, with several neighborhoods jutting off the main road. The city estimates that more than 400 left turns are made along this stretch of Mt. Vernon Road, adding that the its intersection with Vernon Lake Drive has more wrecks and injuries than average for the corridor. Some 13,000 vehicles drive the corridor each day.

The three plans all include a shared-use path for bicycles and pedestrians on the north side of the road along with a new sidewalk on the south side, Dunwoody Public Works Director Michael Smith said in a news release. They differ on how the existing roadway, which is mostly two lanes, will be configured for traffic.

The first option includes four new left turn lanes at Vernon Lake, Stratham, Forest Springs and Meadow Lake drives. In addition, a short center turn lane and a pedestrian refuge island with flashing beacon will be installed between Vernon Lake and Forest Springs drives.

“The refuge island is designed to slow down traffic and give pedestrians a safe place to wait in the middle to make sure drivers see them and stop,” Smith said.

This is a concept image of a pedestrians refuge island along Mt. Vernon Road.

Credit: City of Dunwoody

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Credit: City of Dunwoody

The second option would covert one of the existing westbound lanes near Forest Springs Drive into a two-way left turn lane, while extending the left turn lane to Vernon Lake Drive. This option also includes the same pedestrian refuge island and flashing beacon.

The city noted that this option most closely aligns with the recommendations in the city’s transportation plan.

The third choice does not include the pedestrian refuge island and would only focus on adding the sidewalk and shared-use path. It’s the cheapest option but will not improve traffic safety, Smith said.

The City of #Dunwoody encourages the public to provide input on options for improvements to the Mt. Vernon Road corridor...

Posted by City of Dunwoody - Government on Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The city has set up an online survey for the public to provide feedback. Residents can also email Dunwoody Capital Project Manager Ishri Sankar at ishri.sankar@dunwoodyga.gov through Oct. 23. More details on the project are available at www.dunwoodyga.gov/mtvernon.

The public feedback will be presented to the Dunwoody City Council before the final design phase begins. The project is scheduled for construction funding in 2025 as part of the city’s 5-year capitol project budget.

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