Dunwoody adds enhancements to pedestrian safety network

After completing a new stretch of sidewalk, Dunwoody Public Works is adding two new pedestrian refuge islands to busy roads. This safety enhancement was just completed at Windwood Hollow Park where the sidewalk is extended to connect the linear park. CONTRIBUTED

After completing a new stretch of sidewalk, Dunwoody Public Works is adding two new pedestrian refuge islands to busy roads. This safety enhancement was just completed at Windwood Hollow Park where the sidewalk is extended to connect the linear park. CONTRIBUTED

The city of Dunwoody is adding enhancements to its pedestrian safety network with a sidewalk extension and two crosswalks with new pedestrian refuge islands, according to a press release.

“The crosswalk work will begin in the next 10 days, weather permitting,” said Dunwoody Public Works Director Michael Smith. “We’re targeting two locations where the high vehicular traffic volume makes it more difficult for pedestrians to find gaps for crossing the roadway.”

The pedestrian refuge islands are being funded by the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. Together, they will cost $450,000. They will be added in the following two locations:

  • Mount Vernon Road at North Peachtree Road: A new crosswalk and pedestrian refuge island will be added here to connect the Kingsley neighborhood with the shopping center across the street. Paving crews will first resurface Mount Vernon Road between Jett Ferry Road and Dunwoody Club Drive in preparation for the new refuge island and lane striping.
  • Tilly Mill Road and Andover Drive: At this location, the new refuge island will improve the safety of an existing crosswalk. Before the work begins, Georgia Power will need to relocate two utility poles. New drainage pipes and curb work is expected to begin in December.

Refuge islands allow pedestrians to cross traffic one lane at a time and provide increased visibility of the crossing. They also reduce the perceived roadway width, which can help lower speeds.

Another safety enhancement was just completed at Windwood Hollow Park, an 11-acre park on Lakeside Drive. Dunwoody Public Works extended the sidewalk to connect the linear park by the reservoir on Peeler Road with the park, allowing for greater access to amenities, including tennis courts and a handicap-accessible playground.