Police make arrest after switchblade was used in sex assault

Although Sandy Springs had few leads to go on when a woman was attacked weeks ago, an arrest has been made.

Gregory Young faces aggravated assault and attempted rape charges in connection with an incident Oct. 19 at an office complex on Hammond Drive. He was being held in the Fulton County jail Thursday.

The woman, who was sexually assaulted and stabbed with a switchblade, told Channel 2 Action News she's resting more easily now.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution does not name victims of sexual abuse.

The man said he was a security guard, before grabbing the woman’s breasts, exposing himself to her and then stabbing her multiple times in the hand before she could run for help.

“It was easily the most traumatic thing I remember going through in my life,” she told Channel 2.

Two brothers who had just exited Ga. 400 found the woman as she was seeking help.

“The young lady was out in the street, waving her arms,” Dan Poisson told the news station. “I saw that she was bleeding really badly.”

But her memory of the event and a car pulling into the parking deck before the attack is what helped police.

Sandy Springs Capt. Mike Lindstrom told Channel 2 a tag number could be seen from surveillance video and that led detectives to Young, who matched the woman’s description of her attacker.