Peachtree Corners passes mask-wearing resolution

The Peachtree Corners City Council meeting for June has been rescheduled to 7 p.m. June 27 in council chambers of City Hall, 310 Technology Parkway.

The Peachtree Corners City Council meeting for June has been rescheduled to 7 p.m. June 27 in council chambers of City Hall, 310 Technology Parkway.

The city of Peachtree Corners has passed a non-binding resolution encouraging residents to wear masks Thursday night.

The resolution was unanimously passed by Peachtree Corners City Council in a special-called meeting; the mayor and council typically meet every second and fourth Tuesday of the month, and their next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, July 28.

The resolution encourages residents to wear masks, but does not require them, as Gov. Brian Kemp’s statewide executive order prohibits cities from doing so. Other cities and DeKalb County have defied that order, and Atlanta’s mayor and city council have been sued by the governor’s office for requiring masks to be worn in public.

After the ordinance’s passage, Peachree Corners Councilman Eric Christ said he wished the city could have passed an ordinance requiring masks, but were unable to because of Kemp.

“We should have voted tonight on a mandatory face covering ordinance, not a non-binding resolution. But we’re not because of the legal chaos the Governor’s orders have caused,” Christ said. “... It’s disappointing and disheartening that our Governor is attempting to stop local governments — the level of government that know its residents the best — from doing all we can to keep our cities safe.”

Kemp’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday night.