Claud "Tex" McIver has broken his silence regarding his fatal shooting of his wife.
McIver, a high-profile Atlanta attorney and prominent in the state Republican Party, spoke at length to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution regarding the Sept 25 shooting. It is a case that has gripped people's imagination as it touches on power, wealth and race.
Atlanta police continue to investigate the death of Diane McIver, herself a successful businesswoman who served as president of U.S. Enterprises.
In speaking to the AJC, McIver said he wanted to address "the untruths" swirling about him, such as those who say he killed his wife for her money or because he had another love interest. Two AJC reporters were also allowed to attend a private memorial for Diane McIver in Buckhead.
“It’s like a nightmare that will never stop,” McIver said.
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