Alpharetta invites the public to a Community Information Meeting at 6 p.m. Wed., Apr. 14 via Zoom to consider a conditional use permit to allow The Parish Anglican Church to use an existing space at the Kalen Center, 201 Vaughan Drive. As with similar meetings, this is an informal opportunity for the public to view the applicant’s information.

The Parish is seeking to lease space at The Kalen Center, primarily between the hours of 7 a.m. to noon on Sunday mornings for worship services. Occasional adult classes may also be held in the evenings or weekends several times a year and outside normal business/operating hours.

This item will be considered by the Planning Commission on May 6. The City Council will consider the request at 6:30 p.m. May 24 in Council Chambers, 2 Park Plaza in Alpharetta.