Now that Gwinnett high school seniors are turning their tassels, the class of 2016 is ready for college, jobs or whatever comes next. Some are headed to Yale University, MIT and other prestigious institutions out of state. Others are staying closer to home, attending Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia. The graduates featured here have worked hard to achieve academic success. Their academic experience and advice offers a blueprint for younger students. (In some cases, responses were edited for length)
Noah Wilson
School System: Gwinnett County Public School System
School: Grayson High School
Extracurriculars: Varsity Swim & Dive (Captain), Varsity Track & Field, Beta Club, National Honor Society (VP), National Spanish Honor Society (Secretary), Future Business Leaders of America (President), Student Ambassadors (Executive Council and President), Principal's Leadership Council
College: Georgia Institute of Technology
Intended Major: Chemical Engineering
What advice would you give to a freshman?
I would tell an upcoming freshman who is preparing for the next phase in his or her life to not be afraid of branching out. There is absolutely no harm done by trying out new clubs, activities, etc., and by doing so, one’s high school experience can be so amazing.
What is the best advice you got about succeeding?
The best advice I ever received about succeeding came from my father who told me to never procrastinate and to never make excuses. The work ethic that he instilled within me certainly served an integral role in helping me to become whom I am today.
Sydney Morgan
School System: Gwinnett County Public Schools
High School: Gwinnett Online Campus
Extracurricular activities: I have played softball for as long as I can remember up until sophomore year. After sophomore year, I fell in love with community service and was a part of the National Beta Club, where I was the co-chair of the Domestic Violence Project. I am also a member of the National Spanish Society as well as Honors Society.
College: Oglethorpe University (awarded the Presidential Scholarship).
Intended Major: I plan to study Pre-Pharmacy at Oglethorpe and then continue my education at South University Pharmacy School in Savannah, Georgia.
What advice would you give to a freshman?
In order to succeed you have to stay determined and focused. No matter what is going on in your life that may pull you away from your studies or distract you, you must immerse yourself in your studies because right now, school is every student’s main focus. I lost three close relatives during high school, one being my father, but when I was depressed and felt like I couldn’t go on, I fully submerged my mind in my studies and that was my therapy. My education was my sweet escape and I never fell away from school no matter how upset or exhausted I was. By loving what I was doing each day, I stayed determined and focused throughout school.
How do you hope to give back to your community when you graduate?
When I graduate, I hope to set an example for all of the students that are currently in school. Whether is be an elementary, middle or high school student, I hope that when students hear of the tragedy that struck my family so suddenly, they will see that everyone experiences highs and lows in life, but whether it be a high or low, each can be used in order to encourage a student to stay determined, focused and to strive for excellence.
Toni Carson
School System: Gwinnett County Public Schools
High School: Discovery High School
College: Mercer University
Intended major: pre-med
Extracurricular Activities: National Beta Club (President);. National Honors Society; Student Council
Gwinnett United in Drug Education Inc.- Youth Advisory Board
What is the best advice you got about succeeding?
A wise man told me that it’s not about what you know, and it’s not about who you know. It’s about who knows you. Your success is limited when you do not advocate for yourself and make yourself known.
What advice would you give to a freshman?
Start your college search as early as possible: research schools, visit colleges during the summer, look up possible careers, practice for the SAT and ACT. Do not wait until senior year to map out your college and career plans. Also, get involved in clubs and organizations at school, but more importantly give back to your community through community service and volunteerism.
Nicholas Chang
School System: Gwinnett County Schools
High School: North Gwinnett High
Extracurricular Activities: Math Team / Mu Alpha Theta, Spanish National Honor Society, Beta Club, National Honor Society, Orchestra. Employed at Gwinnett County Public Library, Korean First Presbyterian Church.
College: Yale University
Intended major: Statistics
What is the best advice you have about succeeding?
Just try your best in everything. If you gave your utmost and still ended up not being able to achieve what you set out to do, then you have nothing to regret. But, if you never tried and failed, then you have everything to regret.
What advice would you give to a freshman?
You’ve probably heard this more times than you can count, but freshman year really does matter. But at the same time, (and this is probably the part you don’t hear so often) freshman year is also the time to start learning to manage your time. It’s the time to start learning about setting priorities and figuring out what truly matters to you. And also, don’t do something just for the sake of doing it or try to fluff up your college application. Do the things that are important to you and don’t do things simply because it’s the “expected” thing to do.
Priyanka Desai
School system: Gwinnett
High School: Peachtree Ridge High School
Extracurricular activities: FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America); local chapter President
Peachtree Ridge Academic Team; Ridge Run Charity 5K for Relay for Life; Co-Chair
Kruti Dance Academy
College: Emory University
Intended major: Business Administration
What is the best advice you got about succeeding?
It is important to learn the difference between significance and fame, also
being successful doesn’t always mean getting credit or recognition
but is about making a difference.
What advice would you give to a freshman?
Don’t make decisions in high school based on what you think colleges or
employers want to see. If a place doesn’t accept you because of the
decisions you wanted to make, then they’re not accepting who you
Tina Tran
School system: Gwinnett County Schools
High School: Norcross High School
Extracurricular activities: Interact Club, Future Problem Solvers, Math Team, Student Council, National Honor Society, Senior Beta Club, NSLT, IB Club
College: MIT
Intended major: Undecided
What is the best advice you got about succeeding?
The best advice I ever got about succeeding was to not sweat the small stuff. The mistakes I make in high school aren’t going to define the rest of my life.
What advice would you give to a freshman?
My advice to a freshman would be to join some kind of club or sport. It’s a good way to meet friends, and it gives you something to look forward to throughout the day.
Jasmine Moore
School system: Gwinnett County
High School: Archer High School
Extracurricular activities: National Honors Society, French National Honors Society, Volunteering, and Tutoring Refuges
College: Swarthmore College.
Intended major: Human Rights
What is the best advice you got about succeeding?
The key to succeeding is finding your passion(s) and connecting it to everything you do. By seeking out what you love, you get more fascinated ad excited about learning in general as you connect your knowledge and understanding to your passion.
What advice would you give to a freshman?
Grades do not define you. Do not let them define you and get involved with extracurricular activities to either find your passion or further your passion.
Kristen Gomez
School system: Gwinnett County
High School: Mill Creek
Extracurricular activities: TALON (MCHS's premier leadership club) Gwinnett Student Leadership Team, Legacy Gwinnett, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Science National Honor Society, Beta Club, Spanish National Honor Society, Club Soccer
College: Yale University
Intended major: Biomedical Engineering and Economics
What advice would you give to a freshman?
Success is nothing if you don’t have good character. Make sure that you are happy with the person you become rather than solely the accomplishments you earn.
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