From helping out at church to serving meals at a shelter for the homeless, metro Atlanta offers a wide range of ways to give back to the community. And volunteer opportunities exist for students and teens all the way to retirees.

There are one-time projects and ongoing time commitments, volunteer opportunities that make use of professional skills and those with no advance training or background required.

To get started as a volunteer, look first close to where you live and work. Your employer may sponsor volunteer programs. Nearby churches, schools and service clubs are another outlet.

Online sites make it easier than ever to connect your skills and time with an organization. Use the AJC's Volunteer Resources page as a gateway to Volunteer and Charity Events in our calendar, Volunteer category searches powered by All For Good (, a volunteering portal, and links to popular organizations such as Hands on Atlanta and United Way.

Looking for more ideas and inspiration? Here are a few from past editions of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Thanksgiving: Thank a volunteer today

In this season of thanks, let’s all take a long look around us at the people, leaders and volunteers who give of their time and talents to help better our families and communities.  How many different activities are your  kids involved in? (From 2011)

Mistakes for job seekers to avoid when volunteering

It’s that time of year, when people are asked to fit more volunteering into their schedules to help the nonprofits, neighborhood groups and houses of worship that keep our communities humming.I have always thought that volunteerism was one of our nation’s secret powers, like Superman’s X-ray vision or Wonder Woman’s ... (From 2011)

Doing Good: Volunteers clear tons of trash from local creek

Over 80 volunteers from six neighborhoods took to Peachtree Creek on March 1 and cleaned out 2.3 tons of trash from the water source that runs through the westside of Atlanta. The cleanup was held through Atlanta Memorial Park Conservancy, a three-year-old organization that beganbecause residents wanted to take care ... (From 2014)

Our Town: Sandy Springs Volunteer group works toward betterment of community

It started 25 years ago when 15 women got together to make positive improvements in their community. They formed the Sandy Springs Society, determined to make a difference in what was then an unincorporated mishmash of neighborhoods, apartment complexes and shopping centers. Founding member Marianne Lee, who moved to the ... (From 2013)
