Q: I buy Parachute coconut oil in 1-liter jugs online for $15, but the shipping charges are ridiculous. I use it on my skin and hair, so I go through quite a bit. I’d love to find this oil locally, if possible. I would appreciate your help. Thank you. — Ali Grainger, Atlanta
A: Parachute coconut oil is available locally, and for a much lower price than you’re used to paying. You can get the blue 1-liter jug for $6.99 at Cherians International Groceries, 751 DeKalb Industrial Way, Decatur, 404-299-0842.
Q: I have discovered the benefits of tea. I am trying to find where I can purchase oolong loose leaf tea. Thanks for your help. — Charles Lloyd, email
A: Because fragrant oolong tea falls between black and green teas, some consider its health benefits doubled. You can buy a 2.4-ounce bag of organic mountain Wulong loose leaf oolong tea for $9.99 at Cost Plus World Market, 3330 Piedmont Road, Atlanta, 404-814-0801.
Q: I am trying to find hulless popcorn. The popcorn with hulls gets in my teeth and throat in a bad way. Thanks. — D. Evans, Atlanta
A: Hulless popcorn isn’t really without hulls since the hull is what holds the kernel together. However, varieties of popcorn called hulless are smaller, with tender hulls that are hardly noticeable when popped. David’s Produce and Country Store, 3561 Lavista Road, Decatur, 404-325-0709, has been selling this type of popcorn for the past 15 years. You’ll find the Ladyfinger variety, which is among the tiniest of the hulless popcorn, from Amish Country Popcorn. It’s available in 2- pound bags for $5.99 each.
Q: I am trying to find Chapstick Fresh Effects. My son is allergic to anything with oxybenzone, and all other Chapstick flavors have oxybenzone, either as an active or inactive ingredient. We have looked online and in drugstores with no luck. Thank you for your help. — Sandy Beasley, Dacula
A: Sandy, the reason that you’re not finding the lip balm in local stores is because Pfizer, the company that makes Chapstick, stopped producing Fresh Effects about two years ago. However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to find some for your son. Check out www.amazon.com and you’ll see a variety of Chapstick Fresh Effects in various flavors and price points. You can buy a single tube for about $4.95.
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