You don't have to go to great lengths to save big on spring's hottest fashions. This week, swing by the following three retailers, which are offering everything from apparel deals to complimentary drinks.

Tommy Bahama: Spend then sip. Throughout April, spend $50 and receive a complimentary glass of wine plus a free Avalon GoVino glass upon presentation of your receipt. Avalon Mall, 6130 Avalon Blvd., Alpharetta. 678-248-5161. .

Francesca's: Sometimes, you don't have to go to great lengths to save big. At this fashion retailer, select shorts and skirts are $24.99 now through Wednesday, April 13. Avalon Mall, 6130 Avalon Blvd., Alpharetta. 678-248-5506.

Torrid: Two, is better than one. During the BOGO sale, select second items will qualify for a special 30-percent off discount at this plus-size fashion retailer now through Wednesday, April 13. Additionally, BOGO 50-percent clearance items and the cha-ching sound of Haute Cash redemptions--those accumulated coupons that offered $25 for every $50 spent over the last four months--will run April 13-24. North Point Mall, 1000 North Point Cir, Alpharetta. 678-366-0662.