Believing that nothing happens by chance can change your future

Patricia Holbrook

Patricia Holbrook

Do you have any idea of the details of circumstances that had to happen from the beginning of time, so you would be exactly who you are, where you are, at this point in history?

The question lingered in my mind while the preacher continued his sermon.

I don’t remember who said it, if I heard it on TV, radio or at church. All I remember is that the question made me reminisce details from my life story which helped shape my character, direct my path and prepare me to do what I do today.

From my youth in south Brazil and the decisions my parents made for my education, to the precise circumstances that took place before I met my husband; from the moment I answered the call to write, to the very details that had to take place so I could write this column. I cannot look back without realizing that my life has been intrinsically weaved, orchestrated and guided by God’s masterful hands.

This concept is well-known in literary works and film productions. It is called “the backstory.” A backstory, also known as background story, is a set of events created for a plot, presented as preceding and leading up to that plot, which gives credibility to the central message. It is a literary device of a narrative history which presents earlier events that support the narrative of primary interest. Even purely historical works selectively reveal backstory to the audience. Without a backstory, any work of fiction or historical accounts lose credibility.

Last November, my husband and I drove across town to watch Joe Wright’s “The Darkest Hour” on its release night. The acclaimed movie tells the thrilling and true story that happened at the height of World War II when, within days of becoming Great Britain’s Prime Minister, Winston Churchill must choose between accepting to negotiate peace with Nazi Germany or stand firm to fight for the freedom and ideals of his beloved nation.

With the unstoppable Nazi forces rolling across Europe and an imminent threat of invasion, Churchill makes a tough decision against his own party, with the watchful eye of a skeptical king and an uninformed and divided public. Churchill’s “darkest hour” is a perfect example of one simple decision that could have changed the course of history — a backstory detail of modern history that shaped the world as it is today.

Agnostics and atheists see one’s backstory as happenstance or a natural evolution of events. I personally cannot wrap my mind around that concept. No. I am not that smart or wise to bring about so many details and shape my own destiny. Neither do I believe in accidents. Just as scientists know that small changes in the eccentricity of Earth’s orbit could bring about ice ages, I am well aware that small changes to my backstory would certainly have altered my life’s plot.

Because I firmly believe that nothing happens by chance, I have become increasingly aware of that tug in my heart when I don’t have peace about something, or when I feel compelled to do something that does not make sense. As I watch my backstory unfold, I certainly understand why. Ignoring that lack of peace has only led to disaster in the past. Likewise, moving forward when God prompted me to, even against all odds and critics, has led me to fulfill dreams and witness miracles.

The awareness that nothing happens by chance should completely change the way we see life’s trials and victories, as well as make us think twice before making certain decisions. If we believe there is a God in heaven who loves us and wants the best for us, we should also trust that even our darkest hours can work together for our good, if we respond the right way. Indeed, I believe that our darkest hour in the hands of almighty God has the potential to become a light to others and even the very highlight of our backstory in the future.

Patricia Holbrook is a columnist, author, blogger and international speaker. Website: For speaking engagements and comments, email