Austin thought the message meant there was a bear on the right side of the car he was riding in as his family arrived at the Colorado Zoo.

“We have a problem,” Austin said in a video posted online. “A bear problem.”

"I heard it. It said bear right," said Austin's sister, Abby. "There's a bear on the right. I think it's a mean bear."

Abby, who was sitting on the left side of the car, seems unbothered and unafraid.

Austin eventually bursts into tears at the thought of a bear being right outside his window.

With some explanation, Austin’s parents were eventually able to calm him down and explain that there wasn’t anything to be afraid of.

The video was originally filmed by the family in 2009, but Chip Golden, Austin and Abby's father, uploaded the video on YouTube on March 24.

Golden told TODAY that he was cleaning out files when he found the old, forgotten-about video. He thought it was funny and wanted to share it online so that his Facebook friends could see it.

The video has been viewed more than 200,000 times on YouTube, and Austin, now 10, is loving the attention.

"He loves it," said Golden. "Every day he tells me how many hits it got. He's not embarrassed by it. He's showed it to his whole class!"