This woman knit herself a new son when her boys reached puberty

The idea to knit a new son came when Voorsluijs's sons began puberty. The maturing teenagers didn't want to hug or cuddle with their mother anymore, so she took matters into her own hands.

"My son is reaching puberty," Voorsluijs said. "We used to cuddle all the time, but those days are becoming scarce. Now he (would) rather hang with friends, play with his phone and listen to his iPod. Exactly according to nature’s plan. I am a good mother, so of course I accept this, and I am happy he is a healthy kid."

A textile designer from Amsterdam, Voorsluijs said the work of art, which embodies characteristics of both of her sons, is a "tribute to puberty and (her) sons."

"I am a professional knitter who likes to knit weird things for my brand. We knit realistic everyday stuff with lots of details and even wrote a book about it. To set the bar a little higher, I thought of knitting my son. He liked it, and we worked together on it. The reactions during the process were so diverse from creepy to beautiful. It was a fun art family art project!"

It's unclear if the knitted son has been named, but the yarn boy doesn't achieve life-like status unless it's worn by someone else like a costume.

Overall, Voorsluijs said the undertaking was mostly for laughs. "(I'm) not a smother mother at all," she told Mashable.

The project took two months to complete.