Philippe Morgese is proving himself to be one of the best dads around, one braid at a time.
The Florida man started a class called the "Daddy Daughter Hair Factory" at the International Academy in South Daytona, Florida. The class teaches single fathers how to care for their daughters' hair.
"I think it's a service to the community, and it is important to do our part," Morgese told ABC News.
During the first class, the 33-year-old father taught seven other dads "very basic detangling, brushing, ponytails, three strand braids and a standard bun." He even gave out goody bags with hair care products.
"I'm not a professional, but I had the best intentions, and I was sure I could help," Morgese said. "Most of the dads picked it right up and did some outstanding stuff," he added.
Morgese plans to offer the class weekly or bi-weekly.
"The bond between a parent and their child is special. I hope this story inspires others to volunteer their time to help those in their community," he said.
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