Could nail polish become an effective weapon against date rapes? The founders of Undercover Colors have created a new product designed to offer protection and knowledge right at one’s fingertips.

Many date rapes occur after a drink has been spiked at a nightclub or party. The way Undercover Colors nail polish works is simple, according to the company's Facebook page. While wearing the nail polish, the user swirls his or her finger in the drink. If the fingernail polish turns a different color, this indicates the drink has been spiked with one of the date rape drugs, such as GHB or Rohypnol.

The company is currently in the development and fundraising phase. Engadget reports that the company founders, who hail from North Carolina State University, have received $100,000 from a single investor and have earned additional funds through a competition win.

There is no word yet on when the product will be available to the public.