Q: Dear Ed: We’ve been in our present home for a few years and decided to install a new toilet. I know this sounds funny but it’s the first time we’re going toilet shopping. Can you please lend us a helping hand with some features to consider?
— Jeff, New York state
A: As far as toilet bowl style (elongated or round), colors and if you want a one- or two-piece toilet, that will be up to you. What I can suggest is to look for my three favorite features found in many of today’s toilets.
Comfort height: These toilets are a little taller than standard toilets (about chair height), giving many users a comfortable sitting position.
Skirted trapway: This is a smooth side toilet with less nooks and crannies for easier cleaning.
High-efficiency flushing: Look for approved water-saving toilets for your area that also meet bulk flushing standards.
Add up all these features and you should end up with a tip-top toilet.
Master Contractor/Plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book “Ed Del Grande’s House Call,” the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit eddelgrande.com or write eadelg@cs.com
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