Q: Dear Ed: I am planning to replace my kitchen countertops, sink and faucet. While searching for a heavy-duty type sink, I keep hearing about composite kitchen sinks. Can you please give me some your helpful Ed info tips about composite kitchen sinks?

— Al, Kentucky

A: If you're looking for a heavy-duty kitchen sink that offers a lot of bang for the buck, a composite kitchen sink can fill the bill. Speaking of bangs, because of strong materials used to make composite sinks, they also tend to be chip and scratch-resistant, even if you're in the habit of banging your sink with heavy pots and pans from time to time.

Composite sinks are made with a special mixture of materials and resins and come in a variety of beautiful colors that are part of the actual material makeup.

Finally, these sinks usually have an attractive matte finish, are heat resistant and easy to maintain. Just wash daily with soapy water along with a good rinse/wipe, and you can keep your brand-new affordable composite kitchen sink looking like a million bucks.


Master Contractor/Plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book "Ed Del Grande's House Call," the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit eddelgrande.com or write eadelg@cs.com