Q: Dear Ed, I'm looking to plan for my bathroom remodel job this year. I want to keep up with future trends and was wondering what you see as the new growing trend for bathroom faucets.

— Andy, Iowa

A: I've been paying attention to a new concept in the industry called minimalist design. The cool thing I have been told about this concept is it can be interpreted in different ways and can be applied to many products across the board.

For bathroom faucets, I see minimalist design as eliminating unnecessary decorative details while trending toward sleek-looking, harder-working faucets. Minimalist faucets can incorporate beautifully understated contemporary designs centered around just the basic faucet elements, the handle and the spout.

Even though the concept is simple, don’t be fooled. True minimalist faucets are also efficient and designed to lower water bills.

Bottom line: Less show can also save you more dough.


Master Contractor/Plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book "Ed Del Grande's House Call," the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit eddelgrande.com or write eadelg@cs.com