There's no need to deprive yourself of your favorites, but when it comes to Thanksgiving, moderation is key. To keep you feeling your best, Christie Ferriell, a nutritionist at Reid Health in Richmond, Indiana shared her advice on how to make healthy decisions over the holidays. If you're hoping to maintain and not gain weight during this holiday season, you can achieve it by following these five tips:

1. Don’t skip meals

Thanksgiving is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t skip breakfast in the morning to save room later in the day. If you’re famished by the time you get to the dinner table, you’re more likely to eat too quickly or even overeat and ultimately, you won’t be feeling your best.

2. Stay hydrated

It’s of the utmost importance to stay hydrated on any day, but especially on Thanksgiving as many of the foods you’ll eat are loaded with sodium (we’re looking at you, green bean casserole).

Did you know drinking water can actually suppress your appetite?  If you aim for six to eight glasses of water per day and forgo sugary juices or alcohol, you’ll reap the benefits. You will have a better handle on maintaining your portions, and staying hydrated could even help to kick start your metabolism.

3. Limited your portions

Speaking of maintaining your portions, the best way to make sure you aren’t stuffing your face this Thanksgiving is to grab roughly one tablespoon of several items rather than just heaping on the sides.

If you must load up on anything, choose nutritious salad or healthy veggies first and leave room on your plate for just a little bit of those rich casseroles.

4. Get active
Try to incorporate some physical activity into your Thanksgiving for a guilt-free holiday. Maybe a new family tradition could be to throw the football around beforehand, or if that's not your family's style, you could all take a walk together after your meal. If you're feeling like a real overachiever, burn some calories by running in a turkey day 5k race.

5. Be mindful

Remember, Thanksgiving is a marathon, so it’s important that you have the right mindset to finish strong. You already know it’s going to be a day of temptation, so you have to get your head in the game.

Take some time in between bites and be conscious about when you’re beginning to get full. The time for unconsciousness is after the meal, when you’re ready for your post-turkey food coma.