Everyone knows driving drunk is a big no-no. But New Year’s Eve presents a particularly ominous equation of vehicles, alcohol and revelry.
Planning ahead for a prudent evening to early morning of fun might mean finding a designated driver, taking MARTA or springing for a limo or cab. Some restaurants and hotels even offer complete packages for merrymaking that include a place to sleep it off.
But what if you’ve driven somewhere and suddenly realize you’ve had one too many -- and you need to use your car the next day? Luckily, metro Atlanta has a number of businesses and nonprofit groups that can get you and your transportation home safely.
- SafeRide America: A well-respected and widely available nonprofit that vows to drive you and your car home for less than the price of a taxi. Offers membership rates, plus chauffeur and party services. 404-888-0887, saferideamerica.org.
- Zingo Atlanta: The commercial scooter service's motto is "Your Car, Our Driver." Their "secret weapon" is the Di Blasi folding motorbike, which they stow in your trunk. Offers membership rates, plus "party patrol" and chauffeur services. 404-679-4646, callzingo.com.
- Atlanta Designated Driver: The commercial service claims it "combines the convenience of a taxi with the reassurance that you and your vehicle will get home safely." Offers membership rates and other special services. 770-849-7433, atlantadesignateddriver.com.
- Designated Driver Alternative: The nonprofit offers "rides home for you and your car for about the same cost as a taxi." Make an advance reservation request for a pickup online or call from your cellphone. 404-713-1780, affcares.org/dda.php.
- Metro America Safe Drivers: A nonprofit headquartered in Atlanta that offers a variety of services for safe rides, parties and events, plus free rides from participating bars and restaurants. 770-507-3332, metroamericasafedrivers.org.