Scott Greenhut, 32, of Duluth lost 94 pounds

Scott Greenhut weighed 270 pounds when the photo on the left was taken in 2017. In the photo on the right, taken in August, he weighed 181 pounds. CONTRIBUTED BY SCOTT GREENHUT

Scott Greenhut weighed 270 pounds when the photo on the left was taken in 2017. In the photo on the right, taken in August, he weighed 181 pounds. CONTRIBUTED BY SCOTT GREENHUT

SUCCESS STORY / Scott Greenhut, 32: From 270 pounds to 176 pounds

Former weight: 270 pounds

Current weight: 176 pounds

Pounds lost: 94 pounds

Height: 5 feet 6 inches

Age: 32 years old

How long he's kept it off: "I started my weight loss journey on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017," said Greenhut, who reached his current weight this month.

Personal life: "I am an aspiring motivational speaker. With everything I have been through, I want to help others know that if you really want to change your trajectory and are consistent and persistent, you can have the triumph you deserve." He blogs at and lives in Duluth.

Turning point: "My mom passed away when I was 12 years old after battling cancer a month shy of eight years, and my dad passed away a little over a year ago after being on dialysis for seven years. Most of my life, I had been obese. For the last couple of years my dad was alive, he harped on me to start losing weight. I normally brushed it off. … I knew I needed to do something, but my mind was not strong enough at the time for the willpower one needs to get this type of goal accomplished. … I got a call from his hospice center a few minutes before he actually passed away that he was transitioning. … I had a feeling he had passed away on my ride over there. Indeed he did. … And then I asked myself — now what? I am parent-less. I have no more excuses … if I was going to do anything positive for myself, it was up to me to do it. I am just sorry it took that long to realize it."

Diet plan: "I have not had any dessert, fast food or fried food since February. I eat lots of salad."

Exercise routine: "I have been on my elliptical every day since Monday, Dec. 11, 2017 — 276 days straight. I average 7 miles per day on my elliptical. … I am someone who never worked out. Now, I do not want to go a day without working out."

Biggest challenge: "Growing up, I was never someone who needed big muscles, so at age 32, it is harder for me to really want to start pumping iron. I have really enjoyed doing cardio."

How life has changed: "I finally have some self-respect. I guess I did not realize how much that was lacking until I finally found it. … Before he passed away at age 62, my dad told me I was going to be exactly where he was if I did not change what I was doing. I had to finally want it for myself, and I did. Unfortunately, he will never be able to physically see me with my weight loss. It drives me every day to want to help other people not have the regret I do. … I want to help people with whatever their weight is in their life — we all go through different situations in our lives."

Share Your Success: Each week, Success Stories focuses on an individual’s unique weight loss journey. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution does not endorse any specific weight loss program but includes names and links for the benefit of readers who want further information. Have you lost weight successfully with a healthy lifestyle change? If you would like to share your story with our readers, please include your email address, phone number, and before and after photos (by mail or JPEG) and contact us at: Success Stories, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 223 Perimeter Center Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30346-1301; or email Michelle C. Brooks,


Georgia comes in at No. 19 in a new ranking of happiest states in the US WalletHub looked at 31 key metrics in three main catagories for this study. Georgia finished No. 7 in community and environment. The state was No. 16 in work environment, finishing low in the metric of "income growth." Georgia was No. 25 in emotional and physical well-being, ranking 47th in sports participation.