Be an inspiration: If you’ve made positive changes in your diet and/or fitness routine and are happy with the results, please share your success with us. Include your email address, a daytime phone number and before and after photos (by mail or JPEG). Write: Success Stories, c/o Patty Murphy, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 223 Perimeter Center Parkway, Atlanta, GA, 30346-1301; or e-mail Michelle C. Brooks,
SUCCESS STORY / Deanna Bustillos, 32: From 193 pounds to 133 pounds
Former weight: 193 pounds
Current weight: 133 pounds
Pounds lost: 60 pounds
Height: 5 feet 2 inches
Age: 32
How long she's kept it off: "I restarted trying to lose weight October 2012," after she had already lost 11 pounds, says Bustillos. "From October 2012 to Aug. 2013, I've officially lost 49 pounds."
Personal life: "I teach swimming to young infants up to the senior age groups at the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta in Dunwoody. I love what I do and have been at it for 8 1/2 years," she says. " I live with my partner of 10 1/2 years and our dog in Sandy Springs."
Turning point: "I had to buy new jeans yet again, in a bigger size. I could no longer shop in the women's section anymore. Some items I had to get from the plus size - I've never had to do that before, I was ashamed," she says. Her employer, MJCCA, and The Biggest Loser partnered in The Biggest Loser Challenge, a program for adults who want to become fitter and healthier under the coaching of a professional trainer. "I entered the program because of the great cost and the competition. At the start of the competition, we would discuss in our group session once a week any difficulties we each were having and get tips … whether it be about food or fitness or anything under the sun you might come across in your daily lifestyle that slows down your progress to a better you." She participated in three sessions and won first place in her final session.
Diet plan: Her day begins with instant oatmeal or Cheerios and milk with a banana. She snacks on protein bars, and lunch is tuna salad with multi-grain chips or crackers. She snacks on Greek yogurt and fruit. Dinner is broiled fish or chicken with vegetables.
Exercise routine: She does group circuit training twice a week for 45 minutes with a trainer at MJCC. On other days, she runs, bikes or swims. "I try to do a long cardio of running or biking on either Saturday or Sunday. I can usually get something in five or six days a week."
Biggest challenge: "Making time to exercise and get household work done," she says.
How life has changed: "I feel way more confident. I can carry myself with pride. I save money now that I can commute to work by bike," she says. "When I think (working out is) too much, I remind myself of how far I've come and how great I feel afterwards. I will always have to log my food and my fitness. I've come to that realization. Some people can do it for a short time to get them on track, but I have to stay with it long-term so I don't slip back in my old ways and big portions."
The Biggest Loser Challenge at MJCC is open to the community. For more information and pricing:
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