Got a hangover? Plenty of sufferers have their own methods of "curing" the headache and nauseau that sets in after a night of drinking, but eating greasy fast food, sipping sports drinks or committing to the "hair of the dog" are all scientifically unsupported remedies.

Perhaps it's time to try what the ancient Egyptians did: donning a necklace made from the leaves of "a shrub called Alexandrian chamaedaphne," according to an NBC News story.

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The "drunken headache cure" was discovered in a "newly translated and published papyrus" written in Greek and believed to be 1,900 years old, according to the NBC News story. The papyrus was "one of over 500,000" medical documents found about a century ago in the "ancient Egyptian town of Oxyrhynchus by researchers Bernard Grenfell and Arthur Hunt," the story states.

Could this be the miracle hangover cure we all need? Scientist aren't sure if it worked, but if you're curious about trying it, you'll have to search for the evergreen shrub most commonly called Alexandrian laurel or Poet's laurel. The plant is not easily found in American gardens, according to the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, but it is often found in Iran and the Mediterranian.

Read more on NBC News.