
1. Christopher McDougall: Are We Born to Run?

Using his knowledge of evolution, anthropologist and author Christopher McDougall explains the surprising ways that running helped early humans run their world. McDougall’s explanation of why humans are built to move will inspire you to hit the road.

2. David Blaine: How I Held My Breath for 17 Minutes

You may know David Blaine as the crazy-impressive magician who endured living in a block of ice for 63 hours and balanced standing atop a 22-inch wide pole 100 feet in the air for 35 hours. (No big deal.)  Here, he talks about what it took to train and execute his Guinness World Record-breaking 17 minutes under water — including all of the failure, fighting, and pain that went into it. Blaine is inspirational for how he trained like crazy and push towards breaking through a plateau, no matter the obstacles. (Just be aware — holding your breath for 17 minutes is not recommended.)

3. Matt Cutts: Try Something New for 30 Days

Matt Cutts, an engineer at Google, explains how trying justone new thing every day for a month was a fun, rewarding, and eye-opening experience for him. Have you always wanted to try yoga, kickboxing, or maybe golf? Cutts says 30 days is long enough to form a habit and stick with it, but short enough that you won't go crazy if you eventually dislike it.

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