If you can withstand the heat this weekend, you’ll have a chance to enjoy some lake time for free.
In honor of National Fishing & Boating Week, which is June 1-9, Georgia anglers can fish for free two days this month on Saturday, June 1, and Saturday, June 8, according to a statement from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources. The annual weeklong celebration puts the spotlight on the benefits of boating and fishing.
Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, a national nonprofit geared toward increasing participation in recreational fishing and boating, launched the first fishing and boating week in 1979.
The free fishing days will allow outdoor lovers to fish on various Georgia waterways —and waterways across the country —without a fishing license.
"Fishing is the second most popular outdoor activity among adults and by providing events and resources during National Fishing and Boating Week, we hope everyone from curious beginners to experienced anglers and boaters will feel inspired to get out on the water," Frank Peterson, RBFF president and CEO, said in an online statement. "It's already been a great year for fishing and boating, with big growth in participation among young people, and we want to keep that momentum going and reach our goal of 60 million anglers by 2021.”
In addition to the Free Fishing Days, RBFF will host a number of free events for kids at Georgia parks all week. Check here for kids' event at Cochran Shoals and across North Georgia.
For more on National Fishing & Boating Week, visit www.takemefishing.org.
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