My friend Jim makes a living as a commercial artist. But his real artistry is with cars. He is a gifted mechanic.
So when his wife called to tell him that her car wouldn't start, he headed out filled with the confidence that comes from owning more socket wrenches than the average auto supply store. He tinkered, he adjusted, he tightened and loosened. The car still wouldn't start.
After an hour or so, Jim checked the gas gauge. The car was out of gas. The only fixing it needed was a refill at the pump..
It's a classic mistake. And it's the kind of error a lot of us make with computers. We start fixing without knowing what's wrong. Not only are you unlikely to fix the problem when you have no idea what's wrong, there's a good chance of turning a minor problem into a disaster.
To diagnose an ailing computeryou don't need an oscilloscope, or a fancy set of tools. Instead, you use the tools that come as standard equipment with humans: Your eyes, ears and brain.
This isn't for everyone. There's no immediate payoff. There will not be a flash of light at the end of this column that turns you into a certified computer-fixing genius. Learning to diagnose computer problems is a learning process, and a slow one at that. But the good news is that anyone who is willing to spend the time at it -- even if computers are a total mystery to you now -- can learn to spot the likely cause of computer problems.
The anatomy of a PC
First, you need a basic understanding of how computers work. Here are a couple of Web sites that explain the inner workings on a first-grade level -- a good place to start. (EDITORS that's the shortened version of this actual address
Once sites like that seem too basic, you will know enough to search the Web for more detailed information.
Along the way, you will learn more than how the innards work. You'll also be learning a new language. Computing is filled with terms that don't exactly trip off the tongue. But the more you read, the more sensible the language becomes. And since it's an exact language, knowing the meaning of the terms will let you do a better job describing the symptoms you see in a glitchy computer.
One thing that will really help, as you start to understand a bit about what's going on when you hit the power button, is to do some dissecting of your own. Open up the hood of your computer and spend time identifying the various components. The manual that came with your computer -- or that is available in electronic form on the manufacturer's Web site -- will have a chart showing where components are located. Use it as a map. Just look, don't touch.
Make exact observations
The next time a problem with your computer pops up, get out a piece of paper and a pen. Try to see how precise you can be at describing the symptoms you see. Listen for strange sounds, watch for any error messages on the screen and write them down. Note any action on your part that seems to trigger the problem -- maybe, for instance, the cursor seems most likely to freeze after loading your email program. If so, write that down.
Sick computers really do try to tell you what's wrong with them. The trick is in learning to understand. For instance, there's a special sound a hard disk makes when it's failing. And when the tiny battery that desktop computers use runs down, it'll let you know in unmistakable ways if you know what to look for. It’s the same with problems with the Windows Registry. When it is a cluttered mess, there are signs that point in that direction.
By closely observing and recording the symptoms, you are learning to listen to what your sick computer is trying to tell you.
Start small
The learning process can be frustrating when there are no visible results. So far there’s been talk of a lot to learn and very little help with the actual fixing. While this learning stuff is a noble thing, most of us would like to see a few signs that it can eventually pay off. What you need is a cheat sheet, a little extra help in connecting the symptoms with the ailment. Something that will put your new skills to work in a way that will let you actually find a problem and maybe even fix it.
Luckily there are various charts on the Web that list symptoms and then point you to the likely cause. I especially like this chart: This page lists some common symptoms and the likely causes, but it has links that can take you into deeper waters. For instance, if you learn that a particular symptom points to a bad power supply you can click on the link to power supplies and get more detailed information that may narrow things down and even give you a way to fix it.
Don't feel obliged
Not everyone has the time or inclination to learn about the innards of a computer. There's no shame in that. I could fill a legal pad with a list of stuff I don't want to learn about. I'd rather spend my time with other things. So I realize that, for some of you, spending the amount to time and energy needed to understand how your computer works just isn't in the cards.
But if you're in that group, be smart enough to avoid fixing a computer when you don't have a clue about what's wrong. It’s a recipe for disaster.
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