It’s not your mother’s bikini body, at least that’s the way mother of three Rachel Hollis sees it.

Hollis rejects body-shaming and decided to post a photo of herself in a modest bikini on the Facebook page  of a lifestyle website she founded, The Chic Site.

She and her husband of 11 years were enjoying a day at the beach in Cancun, Mexico, at the time the photo was taken.

"We were just hanging out drinking tequila and I thought my monogramed bikini top was really cool so I asked my husband to take a photo of me," Hollis, 32, told Yahoo Parenting.   "When I saw the photo, I noticed my stomach and realized that I had never seen a really honest bikini shot on social media, so I thought, 'I'll just post this for the moms.'"

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In short order, the photo chalked up hundreds of thousands of thumbs ups from fans across the web.

Several women posted their own proud beach photos in the comments under Hollis’ photo.

And that’s one way to advertise your business on social media.

More: People magazine