Company hopes new Donald Trump Bobblehead will be huge

A Milwaukee company plans to sell a new Donald Trump bobblehead that shows him at the White House.

A Milwaukee company plans to sell a new Donald Trump bobblehead that shows him at the White House.

Each time President Donald Trump opens his mouth or tweets, Phil Sklar sees potential dollar signs.

“Anybody who has a product or service related to Donald Trump is able to cash in whenever he or someone in his cabinet says or does something that’s a bit outrageous,” said Sklar, co-founder and CEO of the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum in Milwaukee.

Soon, Sklar’s company plans to unveil a new Trump bobblehead - this one with the businessman and reality TV star standing on a White House base.

The new bobblehead - the company’s first of a sitting president- will be sold mostly online.

The sales potential, says Sklar, is  bigly.


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Indeed, there’s no shortage of potential bobblehead material with this administration.

Kellyanne Conway or Steve Bannon, anyone? Can you imagine Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell , Sen. Paul Ryan and even a Vladimir Putin bobblehead?

You have to wonder how can sales be low when Trump continues to dominate the news cycle, most recently with reports that he  shared classified intel with Russian officials and the continuing turmoil over the firing of FBI director James Comey.

Comey took notes after his meetings with Trump to create a paper trail.

The bobblehead market, though, is crowded. Other companies have their own versions of Trumpand  other political figures and celebrities. You can even get customized bobbleheads of co-workers, friends and family.

Sklar’s three-year old business launched its first Trump bobblehead last year during the campaign. The new one will have a bigger head (presidential size, we suppose) with the White House on the base.

They’ve also discussed whether to expand the offerings to perhaps an Ivanka Trump bobblehead  or someone else in the current administration.

There are political pitfalls, however.

“The sort of thing we worry about - and we saw this with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who dropped out  of the race pretty quickly - is that they may not be relative for a long time,” said Sklar. “There’s already talk of a shakeup in the cabinet. You never know. We could do a Sean Spicer and tomorrow he’s gone.”

For his part, Sklar declines to say which candidate he voted for, only that Trump “was not my first choice.”