Q: I’m looking for a company that can deep clean and polish two marble headstones in a cemetery in the Marietta area. I’ve looked around but can’t find one. Thanks. Don White, email
A: Don, call or email Troy Vincent at The Engraving House, 2123 Stone Mt. Lithonia Road, Lithonia, 770-482-6546, info@engravinghouse.com. Services include gravestone cleaning and repairs. The company not only designs and creates memorials ranging from simple markers to more elaborate family plots, but it also engraves corporate and sports awards, signs and personalized gifts. In addition, it can customize and engrave various materials from bamboo and stone to wood, crystal and metals.
Q: I am having difficulty finding the Heavenly Coconut Crème Bubble Bath by Vitabath locally. I can find some of the other Vitabath products, but not that one. This is not something I would want to try to order online. If you could find it for me locally, I would really appreciate it as it is my favorite Vitabath. I’m willing to drive some to pick it up if I have to. Thank you so much for your help. Deb M., Atlanta
A: Several Atlanta-area Ulta stores carry assorted Vitabath products, but not all stores have the same items. However, you can get Vitabath Heavenly Coconut Crème Bubble Bath, 33.8 ounces for $8.99, at the Buckhead Station Ulta, 3495 Buckhead Loop, Atlanta, 770-938-0003.
Q: On vacation in Hawaii, we enjoyed huli-huli chicken. In fact, we ordered it quite often during our trip. We were told that there’s a bottled marinade called Hawaii’s Famous Huli-Huli sauce. Is this available anywhere near Buford? Thanks. Mrs. B., email
A: Developed in the 1950s by a Hawaiian businessman, Hawaii’s Famous Huli-Huli sauce and marinade is available at Cost Plus World Market, 1600 Mall of Georgia Blvd., Buford, 770-614-5447. A 24-ounce bottle sells for $5.99. Huli means to turn in Hawaiian, and it refers to the process of flipping the grilled meat over during the cooking process. Hawaii’s Famous Huli-Huli sauce and marinade also adds island flavors to pork, beef and fish.
Having trouble finding a particular item? Sabine Morrow will try to help you locate it. Because of the volume of mail, we cannot track down every request. Email sabinem.morrow@gmail.com (include your name, the city you live in and a daytime phone number) or call 404-526-5931 and leave a voicemail with that information.
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