The Swan Coach House Gallery is hosting "Seriously Funny: Political Cartoons and Illustrations by Alejandro Aguilera," works by an Atlanta-based Cuban-born immigrant whose storytelling is deeply rooted in a culture of subversive humor aimed at corrupt or controlling institutions. Read our review of the show here.

"Jeffrey Gibson: A Kind of Confession." Through May 20. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mondays-Fridays. Free. SCAD Atlanta, Gallery 1600, 1600 Peachtree St., Atlanta. 404-253-2700, Read our review of the show here.

Don Cooper: Fire Within." Through May 7. Free. Sandler Hudson Gallery, 1000 Marietta St., Suite 116. 404-817-3300, Read our review here.

"Seriously Funny: Political Cartoons and Illustrations by Alejandro Aguilera." Through April 8. Free. Swan Coach House Gallery, 3130 Slaton Drive N.W., Atlanta. 404-266-2636, Read our review here.

"Art AIDS America." Through May 22. Free. Zuckerman Museum of Art, Kennesaw State University, 1000 Chastain Road, Kennesaw. zuckerman.kennesaw.eduRead our review here.

"Vik Muniz." Through Aug. 21. $12-$19.50. High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St. N.E., Atlanta. www.high.orgRead our review here.

"Basquiat: The Unknown Notebooks." Through May 29. $12-$19.50. High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St. N.E., Atlanta. www.high.orgRead our review here.

"Bodies … The Exhibition." Ongoing. $16-$24. Premier Exhibition Center at Atlantic Station, 265 18th St., Atlanta. 866-866-8265,