The Atlanta Opera to present productions created in 24 hours

The Atlanta Opera will once again present the 24-Hour Opera Project on April 2.

The Atlanta Opera will once again present the 24-Hour Opera Project on April 2.

Can an opera still be good if it was created in one day?

The Atlanta Opera will set out to answer that question once again this year with the “24-Hour Opera Project.”

The public will get to see the finished products from the experiment on April 2 at SCADShow at 7:30 p.m.

The “24-Hour Opera Project” will officially begin 24 hours before the showcase on April 1. Composers and lyricists from throughout the United States will be paired together and given 12 hours to write an opera.

Then, they will pass their work off to stage directors, who will have 8 hours to select a team of singers and rehearse.

After the operas are presented at the showcase, a panel of local judges and the audience will award “judge’s choice” and “audience favorite” to the best productions.

ImprOper, a group of comedians and singers from Dad’s Garage and The Atlanta Opera, will perform during intermission.

Admission to the showcase is $10. Purchase tickets online at or 404-881-8885.

SCADShow is located at 173 14th St., Atlanta.