There are many ways to solve a Rubik’s Cube. One man decided to make the iconic 1980s game a global adventure.

According to People, recent Harvard graduate Nuseir Yassin decided to celebrate his academic achievement with a trip around the world. As violent conflict broke out in Yassin's homeland of Israel, the graduate sought a way to bring people of many nationalities together to solve a problem

Enter the Rubik’s Cube.

Yassin visited 11 countries and chose a random person from each country to make one move on the Rubik’s Cube. It took 84 people to complete the color-coded puzzle. According to Yassin’s post on YouTube, participants included 30 females, 54 males, a monkey, a snake and a rejection. Yassin used a GoPro camera and his iPhone5s to record the game’s progress.

The video has proven to be a hit, generating over 78,000 page views in just two days.