"Star Wars Episode VII" -- officially titled "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" -- has released its first teaser trailer on iTunes, in the middle of Black Friday shopping. The trailer was first teased on Twitter Wednesday afternoon and was only supposed to be available in a handful of theaters Friday. Not anymore: See the trailer, which runs a little less than 90 seconds, here.
"Star Wars VII" will reunite the original trilogy's stars (Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill) with creator George Lucas, new director JJ Abrams and a slew of actors new to the franchise.
The trailer reveals little of that, and is mostly a staccato blur of images -- storm troopers and lightsabers and that classic score -- with the appropriately ominous voice over, "There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?"
"The Force Awakens" will be released on Dec. 18, 2015.