Keshia Knight Pulliam, who's best known for her role as little Rudy Huxtable on "The Cosby Show," made her reality show debut on the season premiere of "The Celebrity Apprentice" Sunday night.

And things got pretty uncomfortable when her former TV dad came up in conversation. (Video via NBC / "The Cosby Show")

"I have not talked to Bill Cosby on the phone in I don't know how long. So for me to pick up the phone having not talked to you for five years except for when we run into each other for a 'Cosby' event, I feel that's not my place to do," said Keshia Knight Pulliam on "The Celebrity Apprentice."

Of course, the season premiere was filmed about a year ago, long before rape allegations against Cosby ruined his reputation.

So, naturally, when the cast found out they needed to contact friends to raise money for a bake sale, Pulliam's teammates asked her to call on Cosby for some financial help.

But Pulliam refused, and when her team came up short in their fundraising, they turned their frustrations on her.

Judge Donald Trump ended up firing Pulliam at the end of the episode, in part because she refused to call Cosby.

And shortly after, the internet exploded.

A writer for Vulture was baffled the show's producers didn't edit out the awkward Cosby exchange. "It's kind of insane to have an extended sequence where a female acquaintance of Bill Cosby's gets fired from a job because she didn't beg Bill Cosby to help her get ahead."

And a writer with The Patriot-News pointed out Pulliam's teammates are probably "pretty glad [she] didn't call Bill Cosby now."

Pulliam has yet to comment on the sexual assault accusations against Cosby. He hasn't been charged in connection to any of the allegations.

This video contains images from Getty Images.