City life can be pretty great: It's fast paced, it's exciting, and everything you could ever want is usually located within a ten-block radius. But let's be honest. During the summer months, it can get a little suffocating. Maybe you live in a third floor apartment with no AC, or maybe you're just sick of the weird smells and the amount of face sweat that accumulates during a subway ride. It's time to get out — and we're here to help!

Trying a new activity in a new place can revitalize a dull fitness routine and boost creativity. Whether you're sweating in the northeast or the southwest (or somewhere in between), we've rounded up three outdoor adventures in close proximity to 11 major U.S. cities, ranging from free to pricey (but worth it!), and from leisurely to strenuous. So find a friend with a car (or rent or share one), pack a healthy lunch, and breathe some clean air on one of these mini-adventures.

For all 33 day trips from Boston, Chicago, DC, LA, Minneapolis, Nashville, NYC, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Francisco and Seattle, go to