Robert Buccellato, "Jimmy Carter in Plains: The Presidential Hometown." 3 p.m. April 17. Talk, signing. Free. Gwinnett County Public Library, 361 Main St., Suwanee. 770-978-5154, Buccellato looks at Carter's populist campaign and its continuing relationship to Plains.
Read With the Rabbi: "After the Ecstasy the Laundry." 3 p.m. April 17. Reading, discussion, snacks. Suggested donation: $5. Charis Books & More, 1189 Euclid Ave. N.E., Atlanta. 404-524-0304, Rabbi Malka Packer will lead a discussion of the work of meditation master Jack Kornfield.
Joseph Skibell, "Six Memos From the Last Millennium: A Novelist Reads the Talmud." 6 p.m. April 18. Reading, talk, signing. Free. A Cappella Books, 208 Haralson Ave. N.E., Atlanta. 404-681-5128, Emory professor Skibell ("A Curable Romantic") focuses on the lives of the legendary rabbis depicted in the Talmud.
Terry Kay, "The King Who Made Paper Flowers." 7:15 p.m. April 18. Talk, signing. Free. Decatur Library Auditorium, 215 Sycamore St., Decatur. 404-370-3070, Ext. 2285; Kay's latest novel, set in Savannah, features an array of eccentric characters.
Jessica Knoll, "Luckiest Girl Alive." 7 p.m. April 18. Talk, signing. $10. Margaret Mitchell House, 979 Crescent Ave. N.E., Atlanta. 404-249-7015, Knoll's book is the perfect summer read, full of dark secrets.
Jennifer Singh, "Multiple Autisms: Spectrums of Advocacy and Genomic Science." 7:30 p.m. April 19. Suggested donation: $5. Charis Books & More, 1189 Euclid Ave. N.E., Atlanta. 404-524-0304, Singh examines the practices, politics and meanings of autism genetics.
Collin Kelley, "Leaving Paris," and Erica Wright, "The Granite Moth." 7:15 p.m. April 19. Talk, signing. Free. Decatur Library Auditorium, 215 Sycamore St., Decatur. 404-370-3070, Ext. 2285; In Kelley's conclusion to his Venus Trilogy, Paris teeters on the brink of chaos. Wright's private detective is on the trail of a deadly gangster.
Robert Morgan, "Chasing the North Star." 7:15 p.m. April 20. Talk, signing. Free. Decatur Library Auditorium, 215 Sycamore St., Decatur. 404-370-3070, Ext. 2285; Morgan brings to life the story of a slave who flees the plantation where he was born, with no clear idea of where to head — except north.
Lee Smith, "Dimestore: A Writer's Life." 7 p.m. April 21. Talk, signing. $10. Margaret Mitchell House, 979 Crescent Ave. N.E., Atlanta. 404-249-7015, Deep in the Appalachian Mountains, the Grundy, Va., of Smith's youth was a place of coal miners, mountain music and her daddy's dime store.
Kim Michele Richardson, "GodPretty in the Tobacco Field." 6:30 p.m. April 22. Book launch. FoxTale Book Shoppe, 105 E. Main St., Woodstock. 770-516-9989, Richardson ("Liar's Bench") paints a picture of the hard life and bright dreams of a Kentucky teenager in the summer of 1969.
Eric Jerome Dickey, "The Blackbirds." 6 p.m. April 23. Talk, signing. $5. Eagle Eye Book Shop, 2076 N. Decatur Road, Decatur. 404-486-0307, Four women who are closer than sisters test what they thought was an unbreakable friendship.