Anthony C. Winkler, author of the darkly satiric novel “God Carlos,” was named winner of the 2014 Townsend Prize, a biennial literary award recognizing the achievement of Georgia fiction writers.

National Book Award winner Jesmyn Ward gave the keynote speech at the awards ceremony held Thursday night at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.

Winkler’s novel follows the exploits of a 16th century Spanish sailor who journeys to Jamaica with aspirations of being perceived as a god. “With a sharp tongue, Winkler, a native of Jamaica, deftly imbues this blackly funny satire with an exposé of colonialism’s avarice and futility,” said Publisher’s Weekly.

The award is presented by “The Chattahoochee Review” literary journal of Georgia Perimeter College and the Georgia Center for the Book. Winkler joins past winners Alice Walker, Ha Jin, Kathryn Stockett and Thomas Mullen.