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Compiled by John Brieske. Do you work with someone who’s an exceptional leader in the health care field? If so, please send email to
Current job: Vice president and chief nursing officer, WellStar Windy Hill Hospital.
Family: Daughter, Nicole, a doctoral student in audiology at the University of Florida.
What makes a good leader? "Good listening skills and the ability to instill trust, stability, hope and compassion in those you lead."
What are you most proud of in your career? "Knowing that I have made a small difference in the lives of my patients and their families."
Who has inspired or mentored you? "I am fortunate to have several people who inspired and mentored me during different times in my life. My parents taught me to work hard, reach beyond myself and achieve my dreams. Martha Hughes, my first leader at WellStar Kennestone Hospital, taught me the meaning of integrity in the profession of nursing."
What's your favorite thing to do away from work? "I like to exercise and have just taken up running. I hope to run a half marathon in the near future. I also like to read, bake and shop — and not necessarily in that order!"
Who's your favorite fictional nurse? "I remember watching Dixie McCall in 'Emergency!' Looking back, she was portrayed in that show as a nurse dedicated to improving the paramedic program, and (she was) passionate about nursing."
What's your favorite guilty pleasure? "Godiva Chocolates."
Tell us something that nobody at work knows about you: "I hope to write a book someday."